International Cadaver Academy
ICA is the organizer of educational events with the aim of developing techniques and skills, advanced training, exchange of experience and acquaintance with novelties of the medical devices market. A source of knowledge based on observations and experience: experience on living biomaterial with the right to make mistakes is PRICELESS. Finally, it came true!
Certified and
Our opportunities and prospects

We have all studied at medical universities and understand what real anatomy means... The study of real anatomy is possible only on real biological material of human origin. Ideally, if the material is deep-frozen and unhardened, all tissues are preserved in their original form.

Biological material for ICA has been provided by the American Association of Tissue Banks (AATB), the leading standard-setting authority for promoting the safety of donor human tissue worldwide for more than 40 years. AATB anatomical material meets all requirements of American and international legislation and has all necessary medical safety certificates, as well as a Certificate of Origin approved by the US Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The use of biomaterials of human origin is trusted only to companies that have undergone a long and thorough review by the legal department of the AATB and have proven their serious intentions and unique capabilities. In the territory of Azerbaijan and Georgia, BUTA company is the AATB company authorized to work with biological material of human origin.

We are proud of our capabilities and perspectives!

Real biological material of human origin
International experts
ica-cadaver-kicik qruplar
Training in small groups
Be one of the first!

The International Cadaver Academy (ICA) is an educational project for continuing further anatomical education for doctors in various fields of medicine. Now every doctor has the opportunity to touch the real topographical anatomy at any time, to feel all its variability, all its subtleties and advantages for his practical work.

In accordance with the priority tasks for the development of healthcare in Azerbaijan, our mission is to create an invaluable opportunity for doctors to expand practical experience, improve working techniques and ultimately improve the results of procedures in favor of patients.

Thus, we begin to implement exclusive anatomical training programs. Do you want to know the latest news?  Subscribe to us and follow the news!


More information in the video and @ica_azerbaijan